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Humans are Mammals (Primates) - we suckle our young.  Just like Chimpanzees (with whom we share at least 96% of our DNA with), people live in social family groups and are complex emotional beings.
We have basic survival needs, like any other living specie. 
Humans, however, are assumed to be the most intelligent specie on this planet.  

Our bodies have an innate biological intelligence and healing capacity.  Children automatically listen to their bodies and go with their natural instincts.  Adults, on the other hand, tend to ignore them and fight against nature, living the way in which many choose to today.  


There is​ an Organ-Stress-Emotion-Belief connection within our body.

Specific stress triggers and emotions affect specific organs. (External) 
tress is related to most illness.  It upsets the natural rhythm of our bodies, unbalances it and causes it to go into protective overdrive.  Stress is perceived as a threat/danger by our bodies natural instincts and can come in many forms ~ i.e. physical injury, mental worry, emotional upset, environmental damage ~ to name but a few.  The only way our bodies can release this upset once the stress cause has passed, is out - as it tries to rebalance, calm and heal itself.  Hence, symptoms. 
Putting our bodies under stress lowers our natural immune system, as the body concentrates on dealing with and recovering from the stress - thus making us susceptible to bacteria and viruses. 
Bacteria and viruses also put our bodies under stress, as the body tries to defend us from attack. 
Our bodies natural instincts are to survive.  Just as with every other specie on this earth.  Let us go back to basics and help it.


Read on to learn more about our Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and discover for yourself how they are all connected to and have an impact on, our overall health and wellbeing. 
Along with things that we can do to help improve health & wellbeing, by living more naturally, in tune with nature and our survival needs.


The first best investment that we can make in life - is in ourselves!



Aqua Body Foot Detox image
Spa accessories image
Swedish Body Massage image

Our Physical Body & Organs - (Anatomy & Physiology) - Oxygen, Water, Diet & Nutrition, Injuries.


Our Social Environment - (Support Network) - Shelter, Family, School, Work.


Our Emotions - (Spirit / Soul) - Love, Passion, Excitement, Happiness.


Our Mind - (Conscious & Subconscious) - Dreams, Visions, Decisions, Beliefs.




Our Health and Wellbeing goes way beyond western medical intervention & pharmaceuticals alone. 

Integrated Medicine uses traditional medical therapies and practices, while also recognizing the interaction between the patient's mind, body and spirit. 

It uses an evidence-based approach to treat the whole person - your physical, mental, emotional and environmental needs.


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